NO reason to delay – SWITCH to ClassicPress TODAY!

NO reason to delay – SWITCH to ClassicPress TODAY!  I’ve been doing websites and customer assistance for computers for over 30 years now… and I can tell you (without qualification) that ClassicPress is THE cat’s meow!

In late-spring and early summer of 2018, WordPress announced their plans to deploy something they call the “Gutenberg” editor into the very core of their software… I spent a couple of weeks fiddling ’round with their packages, and found that Gutenberg is a totally unsuitable environment for an editor… slow, kludgy and  rampant with errors.  I joined into their forum discussions early on, and joined a whole chorus of voices asking that the developers CAN the product… of course, I loaded up social media with posts asking folks to test the product out and request that the developers postpone Gutenberg until it was “ready”… what I got back from the forum moderators was an attitude that can only be described as “arrogant”… that, more than anything else, totally turned me off of their product.

Many of us began searching for alternatives to WordPress 5.0, but didn’t find anything really suitable until the ClassicPress fork was announced… as soon as the ALPHA version of that software was available, I downloaded it and ran it on a test site, and it worked seamlessly… it retains the original TinyMCE editor, and since it started at WP 4.9.8 version, nearly all of the plugins that I had already in place worked like a charm.  When they released their BETA version, I took a chance and deployed the original BETA on my Improvijazzation Nation website… it’s been running flawlessly ever since!

Most customer support types will advise against running BETA-type packages on any site – but once ClassicPress released their BETA-2 software, I migrated ALL seven of my websites… what an absolute relief… WordPress is destined to total failure, and may soon go the way of every package that refuses to listen to their user base… in contrast, ClassicPress is totally community-based, and even has a PETITION board where you can make suggestions for change that will be reviewed/approved by the community.

What I can tell you – RIGHT NOW – is that ClassicPress is what you NEED, if you don’t want to put up with “Matt’s Folly”, as WP 5.0/Gutenberg are rapidly coming to be known!  GO ClassicPress!

Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf (aka Rotcod Zzaj) is a globe-hopping musician and poet who spent many years roving the world until he finally settled in his current abode, Lacey, Washington... just down the road from Seattle. He started IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION magazine in 1990 (still being published), and Contemporary Fusion Reviews magazine in 2016. He also was a keyboard player & singer for many years... you can hear (and download for free) many of those works at his "Internet Archive Collection". If you'd like to support our efforts and get something in return, there are also a few of these albums for sale on the Rotcod Zzaj BandCamp site"

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  1. Really good post, thanks for writing it. I agree with you that WordPress is headed for disaster. Matt should have stayed with what works rather than trying to turn WP into something it isn’t meant to be.

    The ClassicPress beta is production ready, as far as I’m concerned. My site is running beautifully on it, and I’ve not had any trouble with plugins. Hope the project keeps going forever.

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