fresh thrilling digital guitar mastery Dennis Winge – DIGITAL INTERFAITH: Our guitarist friend Dennis has been reviewed here several times; on his latest release, you’ll hear the epitome of fresh thrilling digital guitar mastery… here’s a short sample (the tune is actually called “Dear Diary” on the album)…
As you can see and hear, Dennis is totally dedicated to creating music that engages you and will help liberate your soul… you can view and listen to a TON of other videos when you SUBSCRIBE to the Dennis Winge channel on YouTube (I’ve been there for – literally – years).
A couple of very unique things happen on the album, too… there are actually 31 tunes (all quite short) that incorporate many of the wide-ranging musical influences in Dennis’s life… in the words of jazz historian Scott Yanow, “Digital Interfaith will hold onto listener’s interest throughout and is quite a showcase for the creative midi guitar playing and imagination of Dennis Winge. Winge creates a lot of different sounds in the ensembles, his grooves are full of variety and, due to his wide range of musical experiences, he is able to cross over into several different styles while varying his tones on the guitar“… nowhere is that better illustrated for this reviewer than on the 3:16 “Tune For A Full Moon At Noon“… a totally intriguing listen that will have you coming back over and over (and OVER) again for more of the sultry tones Dennis creates for us!
The new release is among the very best I’ve heard Dennis do, and gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating from me, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.99. Get more information on Dennis’s page for the it becomes available (the official release date is 3 January, 2024). The release is also available on Dennis’s Bandcamp pages (below).