Rich sonorous frame notation improvisation Leap Of Faith Orchestra – Cosmological Horizons

Rich sonorous frame notation improvisation Leap Of Faith Orchestra – COSMOLOGICAL HORIZONS:  After forty years (+) of reviewing music, both “straight-up” and “out there“, I can truly say that the music from LOFO is different than anything I’ve ever listened to… I first reviewed their “Super Clusters” in the spring of 2018, and gave them ultra-high marks for their creative juice… on the new release, they take things even further into the “strange-o-sphere” with PEK’s “frame notations scores” as a sort of map to the outer limits, if you will… there is only one way to review such music – at FIRST LISTEN, because otherwise, it won’t be a “real” review… rather, it will be full of cliches and “considered opinions” that have nothing to do with the high splendor they are squeezing out of the notes for your sonic adventure… ergo, before you read the rest of this review, find a room where you can listen to (and watch) the entire hour and seventeen minute performance in the video they recorded for the piece…

…if you claim to be a fan of adventurous improvised music, this album (and their entire series, in fact) MUST be in your collection – it’s some of the best creative energy I’ve ever heard, and that’s saying a lot, because I’ve not only listened to a lot of such, but did (in fact) perform some of my own madness back in the day!  Since you’re there already, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to PEK’s YouTube channel, too… some really great videos there!  The player list is there, too.

What’s very impressive for me (since I’m a keyboard player) is the piano work that seems most prevalent at around the 21:00 minute mark… of course, you’ll want to be listening/watching with your headphones on, or you’ll miss some of the amazing creations achieved here… if you haven’t realized it yet – I am a dedicated fan of this kind of music… and LOFO is my favorite, to be sure!

In addition to the YouTube channel indicated above, you will want to check some of their other locations to stay current… their Evil Clown website; the page for Cosmological Horizons on that site; the Evil Clown Facebook page; and their BandCamp page.  

Don’t hesitate to jump off into the void… this band gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from me, with a (perfect) “EQ” (energy quotient) rating of 5.00; which means they also get my “PICK” for “best guided improvisation”.      Rotcod Zzaj

#Rich #sonorous #frame #notation #improvisation #Leap #Of #Faith #Orchestra

Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf (aka Rotcod Zzaj) is a globe-hopping musician and poet who spent many years roving the world until he finally settled in his current abode, Lacey, Washington... just down the road from Seattle. He started IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION magazine in 1990 (still being published), and Contemporary Fusion Reviews magazine in 2016. He also was a keyboard player & singer for many years... you can hear (and download for free) many of those works at his "Internet Archive Collection". If you'd like to support our efforts and get something in return, there are also a few of these albums for sale on the Rotcod Zzaj BandCamp site"

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