High spirited impeccable jazz vocals Rebecca DuMaine and the Dave Miller Combo – CHEZ NOUS: There was a time (way back in my earliest years) that I was totally fascinated by all the ladies doing jazz vocals… Peggy Lee, Nancy Wilson & a whole host of others… Rebecca and her players (Dave Miller on piano; Chuck Bennett doing bass; Bill Belasco on drums and Brad Buethe playing guitar) bring that whole era back on their splendid fourteen-song release. Songs like “So Danco Samba” (samples will be here soon; the album drops on June 7th, 2019) will have you up and dancing ’round the ballroom floor for the rest of the evening.
I did SUBSCRIBE to Rebecca’s YouTube topic channel, though you won’t find any LIVE songs from the new album there (yet; hint, hint). One of the most unique things about Rebecca’s vocals is her impeccable elocution… every word & every syllable is pure precision… that adds an element of sophistication you don’t often get these days, especially on tunes like the light-hearted “Give me the Simple Life”… simply amazing work that I predict will be getting MAJOR airplay!
Dave’s piano on “Do It The Hard Way” is an absolutely perfect compliment to Rebecca’s excellent jazz vocal, and the rest of the band is “right on time” the whole way through… this is (unquestionably) my personal favorite of the fourteen tunes offered up for your jazz enjoyment.
I give Rebecca and her players a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) rating of 4.98. Get more information as it becomes available on Rebecca’s website. Rotcod Zzaj
#High #spirited #impeccable #jazz #vocals #Rebecca #DuMaine #and #the #Dave #Miller #Combo