Denny Zeitlin & George Marsh exploratory sonic wonders Denny Zeitlin & George Marsh – EXPEDITION: Any listener who wants to stake their claim as a true fan of music that is exploratory and full of sonic wonders need look no further than what Denny (keyboards) and George (percussion) have produced on this fantastic journey… you will hear that clearly as you listen to the steaming hot interactions on the opener, “Geysers“, one of my favorite “exploratory” pieces of music (yet) in 2017! It’s a short piece, so I’ve no doubt you’ll be hitting the “replay” button often on this one.
My last review of their work together, in issue # 166, earned a “PICK” (go read it to find out my thoughts)… well-deserved, and as you listen to “Spiral Nebula” on the new release, you will find yourself drawn ever more deeply into the mysterious and wonderful sonic adventures these master-class musicians introduce your ears to!
It should go without saying, but just to be sure you “get my message”… listen to this with your HEADPHONES ON, at least during the first setting… George’s percussion intro on “One Song” makes the album worth the purchase – in spades… the length of the piece (8:42) gives all kinds of “space” for both Denny and George to compliment each other as they delve deeply into the intricacies of their respective instruments… in fact, of the thirteen pieces offered up for your aural pleasure, this is my personal favorite. I give Denny and George a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, and a (perfect) “EQ” (energy quotient) rating of 5.00… which means that they also (again) get my “PICK” for “best exploratory music of the year”! IMHO, this album should win MULTIPLE awards… get more information at the Sunnyside Records release page. Rotcod Zzaj
#Denny #Zeitlin #George #Marsh #exploratory #sonic #wonders