Captivating creativity brought to life Marya Stark – SAPPHIRE: It was a quote from the web liner notes about the album that caught my eye right away… the purpose of the album, as described, is “‘To thaw the frozen heart, and restore balance to the waters within.” As you watch the LIVE performance of “Celestial Butterflies“, you will (immediately) realize that Marya’s performance is indeed captivating creativity brought to life…
…if you enjoyed that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Marya’s YouTube page, too, where you’ll find many more creative videos to enjoy.
I don’t believe you’ll find another album with the message we so need in these troubled times, and no song on the release will make you realize that there is hope than the wonderful “In Between“… this song clocks in at only 3:29, so DJ’s (of all stripes) will be playlisting this one frequently, I predict. After a “wave/wash” intro and her sweet guitar, the tune goes on sort of “regularly“… until right at the 1:17 mark, where the rhythms and celestial voices of the Universe meld in to give you a sense of comfort and well-being!
You get just under an hour of tantalizing sonic wonderment, and pieces like “Stargazer” help you to transcend the boundaries the world often tries to impose… I particularly loved the interplay between the strings and Marya’s vocal on this most enjoyable song.
One of the most inspiring performances I’ve listened to (yet) in 2020 turned out to be my personal favorite of the ten offered up for our aural adventures… the closer, “Rose Lineage” feels like a cosmic opera, taking you all the way to the edges of the galaxy and back… the percussion that kicks in right at the 3:20 mark makes the piece move you on to higher planes… you will find yourself eager to dance ’round night fires in celebration of the joys life can bring… truly magical moments on this totally engaging song!
A superbly crafted musical adventure that gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with a (perfect) “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 5.00… that means that it also gets a “PICK” from me for “most creative content”. Get more information on Marya’s website. Rotcod Zzaj
#Captivating #creativity