Absolutely exciting collaborative musical adventure Fiona Joy Hawkins & Rebecca Daniel – The Lightness of Dark

Absolutely exciting collaborative musical adventure Fiona Joy Hawkins & Rebecca Daniel – THE LIGHTNESS OF DARK:  I’ve been reviewing Fiona’s wonderful piano work for many years now, most recently on the most current release from the group FLOW… what truly surprised me with this new and absolutely exciting collaborative musical adventure with violinist/vocalist Rebecca Daniel is the stunning new directions their work together takes the duo in… here’s a clip from an older show that gives you some up-close and intimate views of their performance skills…

…you will find many more enchanting videos and performances when you SUBSCRIBE to Fiona’s YouTube channel (as I did).

Fiona’s tones are deep and dark on the captivating composition “Sugar Plum Ghost“, as you might expect from the title… it starts in most “spooky” mode, with her keyboard recorded as though through a megaphone… when Rebecca joins in at about the 1:20 mark, it moves into “otherworldly” zones… which I LOVED!

As the players emerge into the light, the closer, “Finding The Way Out“, allows the listener to share in the joy of realization and escape from the darkness of dreary days… Rebecca’s violin on this piece is some of the most penetrating and seductive work I’ve listened to (yet) in 2019… I can (easily) see this tune getting MAJOR airplay.  A truly wonderful collaboration between two masters of their instruments.

If you’re thirsting for music that will put you in an “orchestral” frame of mind, you’re going to fall in love with “Empty Moments” during the first few bars… flawless recording and an innate sense of each other’s playing styles will make this one of your most exciting listening experiences this year!

After my first listen through the entire album (with my headphones on – which is HIGHLY recommended for you as well), it was easy to hear & see that my personal favorite of the eleven performances offered up was going to be the title track, “Lightness Of Dark“… it’s the longest on the album, and gives both Fiona and Rebecca lots of room to express their inner artist… if any song merits an award in 2019 – THIS is IT, folks!

I give Fiona and Rebecca a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with a (PERFECT) “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 5.00.  That means that the album also gets my “PICK” for “best ethereal collaboration”.  Get more information as it becomes available on the Little Hartley label page for the release.                 Rotcod Zzaj

#Absolutely #exciting #collaborative #musical #adventure #Fiona #Joy #Hawkins #Rebecca #Daniel

Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf (aka Rotcod Zzaj) is a globe-hopping musician and poet who spent many years roving the world until he finally settled in his current abode, Lacey, Washington... just down the road from Seattle. He started IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION magazine in 1990 (still being published), and Contemporary Fusion Reviews magazine in 2016. He also was a keyboard player & singer for many years... you can hear (and download for free) many of those works at his "Internet Archive Collection". If you'd like to support our efforts and get something in return, there are also a few of these albums for sale on the Rotcod Zzaj BandCamp site"

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