Futuristic piano led jazz Nick Sanders – Playtime 2050

Futuristic piano led jazz Nick Sanders – PLAYTIME 2050:  Nick’s astounding piano work got high marks from me back in issue # 158, and his new release is even more stunning, and contains all originals… he explains his excitement about the new album in the trailer he created in a VLOG…

…as you witnessed, Nick has a lot to say about lots of things lol… you can see many more videos from him if you SUBSCRIBE to his YouTube channel (all quite up close & personal).

One of the things I best like about Nick’s creative piano compositions is the CHANGES, you’ll hear plenty of those on the excellent opener, “Live Normal“… his bandmates, bassist Henry Fraser and drummer Connor Baker, are perfectly attuned to his music, and the trio just KILLS IT on this song!

The pace is a bit slower on the 2:59 “Prepared for the Blues“, as you might expect; what shines through (again), though, is that these folks DIG new directions; Nick’s keyboard on this tune is just stellar.

I don’t know if it was a poltergeist (or not), but the “odd note-ery” on “Hungry Ghost” is bound to make you hide your snacks, lol… the piece is short, so I find myself hitting replay on this one over & over again!

As often happens, it’s one of the longer pieces (in fact, the longest on the album, clocking in at 5:21), “Endless“, that got my vote for personal favorite of the thirteen songs Nick offers up for your jazz enjoyment… there is a real sense of intricacy between the players… but be SURE to listen to this entire album with your headphones on so you can catch all those little nuances woven in between the notes.

I give Nick & his fellow players a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.99 for this most unique musical set.  Get more information on this great player on Nick’s website.          Rotcod Zzaj

#Futuristic #piano #led #jazz #Nick #Sanders

Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf, editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Dick Metcalf (aka Rotcod Zzaj) is a globe-hopping musician and poet who spent many years roving the world until he finally settled in his current abode, Lacey, Washington... just down the road from Seattle. He started IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION magazine in 1990 (still being published), and Contemporary Fusion Reviews magazine in 2016. He also was a keyboard player & singer for many years... you can hear (and download for free) many of those works at his "Internet Archive Collection". If you'd like to support our efforts and get something in return, there are also a few of these albums for sale on the Rotcod Zzaj BandCamp site"

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