Mightiest of the Mellow Jeff Oster – hØwling lØØn: Our friend Jeff Oster, horn player extraordinaire, is always at the “forefront” in releasing new music that is (undoubtedly) in the mightiest of the mellow fashion… we’ve reviewed a LOT of his music, especially in Contemporary Fusion Reviews. It will come as no surprise that this new release (25 August, 2023) is one of the most amazing you will ever hear!
To get a beautiful taste of what he’s done on this album, I (most strongly) suggest that you watch the video for the song “Hello” first…
Isn’t that wonderful? I certainly thought so, and an added bonus is that all nine of the tunes on the album have a corresponding video on Jeff’s YouTube channel (which I’ve been subscribed to for many years now).
If you’re in any way inclined towards music that reaches deep down inside your soul and stirs the dreams, you’ll want to be sure to check this one OUT, folks! You can get the album on Jeff’s BandCamp site.
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